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Monday, February 4, 2013

Green Smoothie Challenge - Week 3

I've completed week 3 of the 30 day green smoothie challenge!  I was supposed to add chai seeds, cacao powder, and chard to my smoothies this  week.  As you can tell from below, I didn't.  I went to purchase these ingredients and was shocked by how expensive they were.  I found the chai seeds at Trader Joe's for $4.99, I should have gotten them then but I though I could find them cheaper somewhere else.  WRONG!!!  I didn't see the cacao powder at Trader Joe's but MOMs and Wegmans had it for $15.99.  I've never had it before so I did not want to spend that type of money and then find out I didn't like it.  As far as the chard, I left it off my restock list and completely forgot about it.

This week (week 4) I plan on experimenting more with my smoothies. 

Day 15 - Spinach, kale, pineapple, mango, banana, strawberries, flaxseeds, coconut oil and almond milk

Day 16 - Spinach, coconut water, kiwi, strawberries, mango, banana, avocado and agave nectar

                Lunch - Spinach, coconut milk, 1/2 orange, pineapple, blueberries and bananas

Day 17 - (no picture) Spinach, kale, avocado, pineapple, orange, mango, banana, coconut water and coconut oil

            Lunch - Spinach, almond butter, peaches, strawberries, mango, pineapple, banana and almond milk.


Day 18 - Spinach, mixed berries, green apple, peaches, banana, flaxseeds and pomegranate juice

         Dinner - Spinach, pineapple, mango, peaches, kale, avocado, banana, coconut oil and coconut milk

Day 19 - Kale, kiwi, mango, pineapple, coconut water and coconut oil

Day 20 - Spinach, kale, 1/2 orange, pineapple, green apple, mixed berries, strawberries, flaxseeds, coconut oil and orange juice.  Don't let the color of this smoothie fool you, it has a great taste.

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