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Monday, June 30, 2014

Dr. Oz Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan - Week 2

This post is weeks late but I have been doing other things and haven't taken the time to blog.  I have to admit to you all I failed week 2.  I was able to stick to days 1 and 2 and half way through day 3 of the second week of the Dr.Oz Rapid Weight Loss before my cravings kicked in and I caved.  It wasn't a terrible fail though.  I didn't jump into eating junk food or carbs. I could not take not eating fruit, so I had to add it back into my diet and more smoothies.  I also went through a bottle of wine *sue me*

I think my issue was that I am apart of the internet age so I expect everything to happen just as fast as it takes to load a web page.  I did not lose the weight I thought I would.  I think it had a lot to do with the protein powder as I have never use a protein supplement before.  Even with taking the probiotic every morning I was still ''backed up"

I did feel a difference in my energy levels, they were up and I wasn't as sluggish in the mornings.  I have added carbs back into my diet and now I am regretting it.  There are a few things from this plan that I have stuck with, such as: drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning and not eating before 8 am.  I have been doing okay with not eating after 8pm but some nights, it is impossible.

Overall, the diet plan is actually not that bad unless you love fruit like me.  Another thing is it is not very restrictive so if you already eat clean, you shouldn't have a problem following the plan.

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