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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Add a Little Positivity into Your Life

I have read and heard for years when you put out positive energy into the universe, you will get positive energy in return.  I am sure I am not the only one who was like yeah whatever.  I mean I believe in karma but in the negative way.  Like if you treat someone wrong, karma will come bite you in your behind.  I never really thought that karma worked in a positive way as well until recently.

These last few months, I have been working on me.  I noticed that I was somewhat negative.  I chose to see the negative side of things before the positive.  I decided that if I had something negative to say about a person, situation or whatever that I would then in return find something positive to say.  I'm not going to front and say I have changed my whole outlook on life.  I will say that I am a work in progress and I determine to live the best life possible for myself and my children.

I started to let go of a lot (not all) of past issues I had with people and started being cordial.  Some people may have an issue with it but I could care less.  As I have started working on myself, I have also noticed a lot of people I am/was surrounded by are very miserable.  Which made me think, wow people probably felt I was miserable as well.  It also made me think of how I presented myself to my children.  Was I teaching them to be negative/miserable? 

As I am changing, I am noticing things are starting to look a lot better in my world.  My career is picking up, my anxiety attacks have stopped, I don't have as many bouts of depression and I am almost at my goal weight!  So I can vouch for karma...not only will she bite you in the behind but she will also bring positive things to you.

If things haven't been going right for you, maybe it is time you took a look in the mirror for the problem.


  1. Good Post!! It says a lot about a person when they can do a self evaluation, notice things and actually work on changing them :-)
